Turning City Slickers into Wild West Heroes

Lewis Events trick ropers in Kamas, UT

Not too long ago, in a town not too far away, busloads of folks descended on Kamas, Utah for a real live western experience. They came from all over this great country of ours to the High Star Ranch, as a reward for a year of hard work and dedication to their outfit. Lewis Events brought the old west alive.

Kamas Western Crowd

After a trick roping howdy welcome, guests got settled in socializing and relaxing. Then the camp cook served a plateful of mighty fine delectibles which kept guests busy for a spell. Then it was time to learn how to handle the Wild West.

There were plenty of lessons to be learned by the city slickers. We taught guests the fine art of trick roping, how to lasso a wild virtual steer, the excitement of discovering gold, creating intricate designs on leather bracelets, and all they needed to survive the next cattle drive.

Western party Utah sunset

Bellies were full, cups were empty and the sun began to set in the west. We now have a whole crop of new wranglers who are ready to tame the Wild West.

Virtual Roping Steer Lewis Events

We can now hit the trail with confidence knowing our steers will make it safely to the end of the long dusty trail. We also have the confidence that Lewis Events can deliver your important guests the best experience ever!

Trick Roping in Park City

“Had an amazing time Trick Roping at a popular Park City resort.  It’s gorgeous up here in the mountains”!  Cowboy Brett

Cowboy Brett Trick Roping Park City

Trick Roping Park City

Featuring local talent and resources, Lewis Events brings the wild west alive in Salt Lake City, Utah Valley, Park City, the West Coast, and beyond.  Spectacular trick roping, professional DJs, MC’s, line dancing, and western entertainment are available for parties, corporate events, marketing, film and stage, school functions, fairs, festivals, professional coaching, and the list goes on.  Contact us to see how together we can make your next event a huge success!

                               626-536-8091         info@lewisevents.com



Happy Birthday Pasadena . . . Western Style

Happy Birthday Pasadena California!  For their official 145th birthday celebration, a western theme was chosen for the big event.  Lewis Events was honored to be chosen to assist in making their birthday extravaganza a huge success. 

Happy Birthday Pasadena Sign

Crowds gathered throughout the day for the trick roping show with the beautiful Fenyes Mansion serving as the perfect backdrop.  Featured performers in the show were Cowgirl Christy, Cowboy Brett, and Cowgirl Emily spinning their trick ropes and cracking the bullwhip.  Guests kicked up their heels with some western line dancing as part of the entertainment.

Trick Roping in Pasadena

DJ Brett played the best in contemporary and classical country-western foot-stomping tunes .

DJ Brett provided music

Cowgirl Emily taught the fine art of steer roping on the lawn.

Cowgirl Emily roping the virtual cow

One of the more popular activities was gold panning with crowds gathered all day long.  A few miners struck it rich as yells of eureka could be heard all the way up in the north forty.

Gold Panning Activity

Dignitaries gave speeches and presentations just before the massive birthday cake was served to all the guests.  

Pasadena City Birthday Celebration

The wild west did come alive once again in Pasadena even if it was just for a day.  See you next year.Trick Roping in Pasadena

Party Till the Cows Come Home

Nothing like having a western party in a milking barn.  Our bovine friends were polite, quiet, did not eat too much and had a very positive attitude as long as they got their turn on the milking machine.Lewis Events was proud to be part of a company party held in the Millenial Barn located at the Orange County Fairgrounds.  It’s an ideal location for a western theme party, offering a perfect country atmosphere . . . . cows included.

The guests enjoyed a variety of interesting activities including gold panning, cowboy games, line dancing, trick roping & whip cracking show, virtual calf roping, great food and lively music.

Right in the middle of the party festivities, the cows filed in and in an orderly fashion, took their place at the milking machine.  It wasn’t long before the guests took notice and crowded to see the milking take place.  I must admit this was an interesting first for Lewis Events and definitely added another dimension to the event.

Emily came away from the experience with some new friends.