Going back in time just a bit, Lewis Events was invited to participate in the Sabine Freestate Festival held in Florien, Louisiana. The annual festival highlights the unique period in history from 1806 until 1822 when a portion of the state was designated as “No Man’s Land” or the “Neutral Strip”. The region was a disputed area between Spanish Texas and the United States’ newly acquired Louisiana Purchase. Local officers of Spain and the United States agreed to leave the Neutral Ground temporarily outside the jurisdiction of either country.

Over a period of two days, we performed multiple shows that included trick roping, whip-cracking stunts, storytelling, and virtual calf roping.

The festival offered a variety of activities and entertainment choices including a treasure hunt, BBQ contest, carnival, comedy show, folk music jam, parade, dance concert, vendor and food booths, a horse-drawn carriage, and the famous made-on-site sugar cane syrup. The mule did not seem to mind walking in circles all day long, powering the sugarcane-crushing machine. The syrup was then boiled over a wood fire until it reached the syrup stage.

We made a variety of great friends over the three days at the festival and enjoyed our wonderful experience in Florien.
Lewis Events designs and creates amazing parties, special occasions, and corporate events throughout Southern California, Park City, Salt Lake, Utah Valley/Silicon Slopes, and beyond.