Western events will always be popular as a theme for parties and events. While other themes have come and gone, the old west has stood the test of time. The cowboy and American West celebrated individualism, freedom and showcased the untamed, breathtaking, wide open spaces of America. Respect for the cowboy and the mystique of the western frontier have survived for generations.
So, you have decided to host a party with a western theme. Whether you have a large budget or a modest budget, there are a couple key elements not to miss. You’ll most likely want music, and have the choice between a band, DJ or your personal sound system. You’ll also want a mouth watering menu, whether it’s from a caterer, a drop-off or pick-up from your favorite restaurant or do-it-yourself. Don’t forget that barrel full of iced sarsaparillas. One thing you won’t want to overlook in establishing your western theme, is a professional trick roper that can serve as an important party focal point.
And what is it that a trick roper does, you may ask? When cowboys were not working and had a bit of extra time, they would make up tricks while spinning their lariat or lasso. A trick roper is an entertainer that performs these tricks.

As with any performer, it is important that a good choice is made. So, what makes a great trick roper? Here are a few considerations:
- Talent-Do they possess adequate trick roping skills?
- Professional-Are they an experienced performer?
- Versatility-Do they have talents besides roping that can be useful at the party? (whip cracking, gun spinning, line dance instruction, group games, MC or announcing)
- Personality-Do they interact well and communicate enthusiastically with guests?
- Fun-Are they having fun and do they help the guests have fun.
- Attire-Do they appear in a clean western outfit in the proper theme (old west, contemporary, rhinestone cowboy)?
- Appearance-Are they well groomed?

Occasionally we meet performers that have a great stage presence and show skills, but they do not have up-close, personal, people and communication skills that enable them to mingle effectively with guests. They were uncomfortable in a party or special event setting. On the other hand there are people with positive people skills that did not have the talent to present a convincing or entertaining act.
At an event, a versatile performer can fulfill a variety of roles to help contribute to the success of the party or event. By bringing in an entertainer with multiple talents and one who can serve in a variety of functions, you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck. Your performer can also serve as the “centerpiece” or the “main attraction” and be the glue that holds the party theme together. Can they:
- Greet Guests-The performer can do rope tricks and verbally welcome guests as they arrive, thereby establishing the theme from the beginning.
- Teach-Demonstrate and teach a basic trick roping skills. Guests generally enjoy interactive games and activities.
- MC-Are they comfortable holding a microphone and speaking in front of the guests?
- Games-Can they help run games and activities?
- Performing-Can they provide a stage act? Can they serve as atmosphere entertainment, mingling with the guests?
- Dancing-Can they teach and lead line or square dancing?

In order to host an amazing party that will be long remembered, a fair amount effort on the part of the host will bring positive results. An event with even a limited budget can be a huge success. A big part of that success will depend on bringing together the best elements available. Talent is a huge part of that party formula. So, find an amazing, well rounded, talented, western cowboy or cowgirl trick roper and the rest will be history. You’ll be the hero as you ride into the sunset. Giddy up!
If you are considering hosting a party or special event, and would like a little help, or someone just to share a few ideas, give Lewis Events a call at (626-536-8091) or email them through www.Trickroper.org. They have a variety of amazing, world class western entertainers from which to choose, or they can customize a program to meet your needs. Lewis Events was established in 1996 and provides entertainment services worldwide. Jay Lewis is co-owner of Lewis Events.
Would you like to use this article in your website, E-zine or publication? Please feel free to do so as long as you inform the author by email and include the following complete information: Leading Event Planner, Entertainment Guru, Entrepreneur, Creative Speaker, and Proud Dad, Jay Lewis is co-owner of Lewis Events. His informative Special Event and Entertainment articles can be found at LewisEvents on Facebook, and the websitesTrickroper.org and LivingHistoryShows.com.